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Max Karl Grimm

Artist's Statement

When I paint I am able to return to my childhood. I am reminded of my first set of watercolors. My mother was fascinated by watching me experiment with colors as they ran into each other on the paper. It is a memory of innocence and creativity. This is somethinng I try to replicate each time squeeze out some acrylics and pick up a brush. I am still amazed at the myriad of colors that can be created by mixing the primaries. It is an alchemical gift for the eyes. I try to hold no preconceived ideas as I begin the creative process. During the nurturing of the work, there comes a point when the paint, ink and panel become more than the sum of their parts and take on a life of their own. As I am growing older and hopefully wiser, I am able to see my personal evolution through the history of my love of creating art. From my childhood doodlings up to the present mixed media works on wood panel, I have been able to discover new parts of my heart and avenues of the psyche. I am given the privilege of ability to create images that transcend language. For this, I am most humbled and eternally grateful. As must all living things, I believe that my art must grow through discovery and expansion into new realms using new mediums. I am very excited at the possibilities of digital photography, assemblage, collage and the combination of mediums and technologies both old and new. I have found it impossible to be unexcited and not in love with this gift of art.


Artist's Biography

Max Grimm was painting before he could read and write. Always a lover of the visual arts, Max has worked in acrylics, oils pastels, photography, inks, collage and assemblage. He has been employed as a printer, digital photography imaging technician, lighting and scenic designer. Mr. Grimm was educated at the Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale and Miami Dade Community College. He is a published writer and poet and ran a theatre company. Additionally, he has performed in over 60 theatrical productions. After spending many years in theatre and video production, Max has returned to his first love, painting. He is currently working on mixed media compositions of acrylic, metallics, watercolors, pastels and ink on wood panel, canvas and paper. He lives in Atlanta with his wife, two daughters and three cats.

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